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Metaverse Jobs: Virtual Reality employment who up?

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

What is Metaverse in the eyes of a corporate girl?

The Metaverse is a virtual shared space created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the Internet.

The word Metaverse combines the prefix "meta" (meaning "beyond") with "universe" to emphasize the notion that it is a vast universe of universes.

The term was originally coined in 1992 by Neal Stephenson in his novel "Snow Crash," where he referred to it as the "Metaverse." Since then, the term has been used to describe both conceptually similar and physically different virtual-reality metaverses.

Why do 9-5 people need to understand Metaverse?

As you know (or not, if you are just recently introduced to the Metaverse), more than just one virtual world or shared space or simulation is accessible via the Internet. There are many of them.

Some people believe that Second Life is "enough" for all their needs, and they do not want to hear about any other servers/virtual worlds anymore. It is fine if you don't want to spend any time learning about the new simulation world, but please do not get in other people's way of learning about it. We all need to understand that for some people (like me), 3D Virtual Worlds are new and interesting topics, something different than the Internet, Shopping, Facebook, or Tiktok. So please be nice and understanding when someone asks you (directly or otherwise) about it.

At the beginning of the Internet, there was a need for an application to make it easier to access information. The solution was a Web 1.0 where users could view pages while connected through client service, i.e. web browser. Then came social media applications like Facebook and Twitter, which enabled users to share statuses, news, and other media content.

Finally, in 2010, a new application was developed that presented a paradigm shift for social media as we know it, i.e. facebook's timeline feature. The application was so popular that the term from 2010 is still used today. It was a paradigm shift for social media because it changed how people looked at their digital footprint and be remembered after they died. This new application is called web 2.0, which features news feeds, i.e. displaying content of interest to the user on a page without opening separate applications like Facebook or Twitter.

This brings us to now where virtual worlds are becoming more accessible to users who wish to create an avatar and immerse themselves in a world created by others using virtual reality headsets such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, etc. In some cases, these avatars will interact with pre-existing characters in a simulation known as augmented reality.

Now, the question is, how does this affect you?

The reason why I'm telling you all of this is to make you aware that the Metaverse will be a place where there won't be a clear boundary between what's real and what's virtual. And with over 3 billion people on the Internet, it would only take a fraction of those numbers to create their own worlds for socializing, learning, and EMPLOYMENT!

This means that those who now enjoy an almost infinite amount of information from one application called Google might have to split that into different applications for each task or learning subject as they migrate into the Metaverse. In fact, Facebook already has an idea about this with their purchase of Oculus Rift, which they have said will support numerous virtual reality applications such as socializing, learning, and gaming.

The Metaverse won't only affect the Internet as we know it now but also mobile services such as android and iOS. For example, if you can already view 360-degree videos online on youtube, you might enjoy those same content in a quality that is much more superior to a VR headset. And if Apple does not come up with their own version of a VR application to support augmented reality, i.e. Kryokan or Google glass, then their reign over the smartphone market might end because users will no longer need that extra device called an iPhone for doing things that any android phone could do.

How about job opportunities in Metaverse?

Virtual job is where job opportunities or job positions are available only on the Internet. It is also commonly known as virtual work. Virtual job has many advantages to jobseekers, especially those who live in rural areas and are not reachable with public transportation. These people can still find job opportunities through virtual jobs. Even they don't have to produce any paper documents like certificates or resumes. This kind of job does not require geographical boundaries, so anyone worldwide can do this job provided that they have internet access.

Does it mean that future employment is done through virtual reality? Are you kidding? No, it may soon become part of our daily lives, similar to smartphones. Metaverse is going to be an online platform that enables users to communicate with each other through avatars. It also provides job opportunities for job seekers, which can be either remote or at home. The virtual job will be part of this future. The job positions are found on job boards available in Metaverse's online world.

Job opportunities in Metaverse will be very vast. But based on my prediction, jobseekers can work as virtual tour guides, animators for designing avatars, virtual fashion designers, art dealers (NFT), or Digital Asset managers. There is also a job position available that involves creating objects that only exist in virtual reality. If you think that job positions are only limited within the four walls of your office, then you better think again because more job positions are available on Metaverse for you to try.

Virtual job has many advantages that traditional work cannot offer, such as flexibility, shorter working hours, and not being bound by geographical boundaries. In addition, people will no longer need to commute between their home and office because all necessary work-related activities can be done inside a virtual reality environment.

And to sum up, the Metaverse is basically an extension of the Internet where you can visit places, meet people, socialize and do much more. And the future employment could potentially expand to the Metaverse from customer services, service providers, and digital asset management. So if we are open up to learning more about these opportunities early on, who knows, you might end up owning a travel agency in virtual reality.

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