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Beginner Meditation: Brain-Boosting Benefits and Meaning

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Over a decade ago I started a meditation practice. I was in high school where everyone was focussing on going to university and choosing their career path except me. I was the odd one out I just came back from a full-year exchange program in Brazil and honestly ... I was freaking lost! I don't know what was my options? What do I want to do next and how can I start my new chapter? While waiting for senior year to start my mom took me to a meditation camp in the north of Thailand. It was where my meditation journey started (officially).

As a kid in Thailand, you may be forced to do meditation every Friday with an hour-long Buddhism pray. As it was nonconsensual practice, obviously we were not really paying attention. But we do know how to FOCUS ON THE BREATH. That was a takeaway thing that I have until today.

Let's talk about meditation

What is Meditation?

Meditation is an age-old practice that has been used for centuries to achieve various aims such as relaxation, healing and spiritual growth. The word meditation comes from the Latin root “meditari” meaning to think, reflect or ponder. In modern times, meditation is often thought of as a form of mindfulness training where you focus your attention on the present moment.

There are many different types of meditation but all have the same basic aim – to focus and calm the mind. When we meditate, we can learn to let go of our thoughts and worries and simply be in the present moment. This can be beneficial for our mental health and well-being as it allows us to take a break from our busy lives and connect with our inner selves.

Meditation can be practiced in different ways and for some people, meditation is a spiritual experience where they seek to connect with their higher power or God. Other forms of meditation focus on the physical benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety and improving concentration levels – all great reasons to begin practicing mediation today! It’s important that we understand how exactly meditation works so we can get the most out of this powerful practice.

The Brain on Meditation

A lot of research has been conducted into the effects of meditation on the brain and it’s clear that this practice can have some amazing benefits. When we meditate, our brains produce a type of energy called gamma waves. These waves are associated with higher levels of intelligence, creativity and happiness. Additionally, meditation can increase the size of certain areas in the brain such as the hippocampus which is responsible for memory and learning.

Meditation has also been shown to reduce stress levels by activating regions in the brain that control stress responses. It does this by reducing activity in the amygdala – a part of the brain that is responsible for fear and anxiety. This means that over time, meditation can help us to become less reactive to stress and more resilient.

So, if you’re looking for a way to boost your brainpower, reduce stress and connect with your inner self, meditation might be the answer! It’s a great practice for beginners and there are many different ways to get started.

How to start meditation practice as a beginner?

Beginner meditation is a great way to start any journey towards increased mindfulness and awareness. However, for this type of meditations beginners need clear guidance or instruction on how to do it correctly so that they can get the most out of the practice.

As we all know, there are numerous benefits related to meditation such as reduced stress levels and enhanced concentration among many others. It's no surprise that an increasing number of people around the world try their hand at beginner meditation each day in order to take advantage of these wonderful features.

How to practice beginner meditation?

Meditation is a very simple exercise that can be done anywhere, any time you feel like practicing it. All you have to do is sit back comfortably with your eyes closed and focus on breathing in order to calm down all of the body's systems. If thoughts pop into your mind then just let them go because they are not important at this moment - what matters now is meditating!

The goal of beginner mediation isn't achieving something extraordinary but rather becoming aware of how everything works inside our bodies without having too much stress or tension piled up inside us. After some time has passed, if we continue doing it every day, meditation will become an essential habit that we can use to improve our lives in many ways.

Now let's move on to the different types of beginner meditation techniques that you might want to try:

Guided meditation: This is a great way for beginners to start because a voice will be guiding you through the entire process. There are plenty of guided meditations available online and even on Netflix so make sure to check them out!

Mantra meditation: In this type of mediation, you repeat a certain word or phrase over and over again in your mind until all thoughts dissipate. It usually takes time before someone can find their own personal mantra but when they do, it becomes an incredibly powerful tool.

Mindfulness meditation: The key of this type is to concentrate on the present moment and observe what happens inside your mind without judging it or getting attached.

Breathing meditation: This one might sound a bit obvious but actually, we can do breathing meditations in several different ways such as focusing on our breath when walking around town instead of letting ourselves get carried away by random thoughts about everyday life.

Let's not forget that beginner mediation isn't limited only to these four techniques because there are plenty more out there! The main idea here is finding something for yourself by trying them all if you want to make sure that you're doing everything right and you feel comfortable with whatever technique you choose - remember: practice makes perfect so don't give up too quickly!

What are some of the best beginner meditation tips?

Here are a few pieces of advice that we think every beginner should know before starting their practice:

  • Make sure to find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or recline.

  • If thoughts come up during your mediation, don't worry about them and just let them go.

  • Try to do your practice at the same time every day so it becomes a habit.

  • Be patient! It takes time for beginner meditation to show results so don't get discouraged if you don't feel anything different after the first try.

We know that meditation is one of the most difficult things to do, but we also believe in its benefits. If you're a beginner and you want some tips on how to get started with meditation, check out this blog post for our top-ten tricks! Or if you'd rather be free from your phone during your next session - try these ten ways to unplug while meditating. No matter what type of lifestyle or profession you have, there's something here for everyone who wants better quality sleep and reduced stress levels. Give it a go and let me know how was your first practice.

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